I thought the concept was awesome, a cool, edgy and WARM leather jacket. The soft gray color also caught my eye. Probably because it has all the qualities of black but is not (although of course they have it in black). But then I tried it on- just for fun. It fits on very snugly (so if you're buying them online, go one size bigger!) but also very stiffly. I know it is probably because of the stuffing, but for a whooping $875, I expected a bit more. The ability to move to begin with. And secondly, better quality leather. I've come across my fair share of leather, and that was not good leather. It was stiff and felt (and looked now that I think about it) plasticky, making it look a bit cheap, which is ridiculous considering the price tag.
I walked out of the store disappointed. Maybe if they cut down the price tag by at least a 1/3. Then maybe it'll be worth considering.
Image Source: Intermix Online