Oct 21, 2008

Free action guide "The Financial Impact of Cyber Risk"

Today, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Internet Security Alliance (ISA) released a new action guide to assist business executives in the analysis, management and transfer of financial risk related to a cyber attack.

"We are experiencing a financial meltdown due to a fundamental misunderstanding and mismanagement of modern financial systems, which is generating a crisis of confidence in our core institutions. Today, all our critical infrastructures are reliant on cyber systems that are also misunderstood and mismanaged. These vulnerabilities place both our financial and physical security in jeopardy unless we update the method we use to control our cyber systems," said Larry Clinton, president of the ISA.

In addition to 50 strategic questions provided in the document, the action guide offers sample charts to aid in calculating the probability and severity of financial loss from both risk events and the actions taken to mitigate them. The guide also includes a list of standards and reference documents to help businesses develop comprehensive risk management frameworks.

To download a free copy of the document, visit http://webstore.ansi.org/cybersecurity.

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